Innovision Optics

Innovision price list - valid as of 03/2017

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Code Product Description List EUR
PHD-023B B4-Mount for Innovision Probe 355,00
PHD-4001 HD Probe Relay w/ Direct view module 34.450,00
PHD-4002 45° View Module for HD-Probe 5.355,00
PHD-4003 90° View Module for HD-Probe 5.355,00
PHD-4005 HD-Lens 5mm for Innovision HD Probe 2.250,00
PHD-4008 HD-Lens 8mm for Innovision HD Probe 2.250,00
PHD-4012 HD-Lens 12mm for Innovision HD-Probe 2.250,00
PHD-4017 HD-Lens 17mm for Innovision HD-Probe 2.250,00
PHD-4023 HD-Lens 23mm for Innovision HD-Probe 2.250,00
PLF-3009 Lens 9mm for Innovision Probe 1.463,00
PLF-3012 Lens 12mm for Innovision Probe 1.463,00
PLF-3016 Lens 16mm for Innovision Probe 1.463,00
PLF-3020 Lens 20mm for Innovision Probe 1.463,00
PLF-3032 Lens 32mm for Innovision Probe 1.463,00
PLF-3040 Lens 40mm for Innovision Probe 1.463,00
PLF-3CSC Case for Innovision Probe 490,00
PLF-4001 Probe II Plus Relais Module with 180° Direct View 29.250,00
PLF-4045 Probe II Plus 90° Degree Modul 6.300,00
PLF-4046 Probe II Plus 45° Degree Modul 6.300,00
PLF-5012 HR-Lens 12mm for Innovision Probe 2.650,00
PLF-5020 HR-Lens 20mm for Innovision Probe 2.650,00
PLF-5028 HR-Lens 28mm for Innovision Probe 2.650,00
PLF-5040 HR-Lens 40mm for Innovision Probe 2.650,00
PLF-5055 HR-Lens 55mm for Innovision Probe 2.650,00
PLF-OAPL PL-Adapter for Innovision Probe 382,00
PLF-SHIM Close Focus Shims 90,00

All prices on this website reflect German list prices in Euro, excluding value added tax. All these prices are “ex warehouse Munich”. Valid for sales in Germany and Austria only. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification.

If you have any questions about Innovision, please contact Daniel Jurkic.

Daniel Jurkic

Daniel Jurkic

Deutsch, Englisch and Croatian (Serbian/Bosnian)

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